Pratiques d’écriture en ligne pour l’apprentissage des langues

Online writing exercises for language learning
Catherine Loisy - École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France
Chantal Charnet - Praxiling, Université de Montpellier, France
Annick Rivens Mompean - Université de Lille 3, France
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This chapter presents some experiences of on-line collaborative writing for language learning. It questions the specificities of supports which aim is not originally educational, such as wiki, blog, forum. We present learning environments organised in the field of Language Sciences and Foreign Language, for students of both graduate and post-graduate levels. We show how research can foster and guide these experiences. The discussion concerns the pedagogical questions that arose throughout the analysis of these environments.

Available online: 2011-06-22


Loisy, C., Charnet, C., & Rivens Mompean, A. (2011). Pratiques d’écriture en ligne pour l’apprentissage des langues. International Journal of Technologies in Higher Education, 8(2), 58-68.