Appropriation d’artefacts audiovisuels pédagogiques dans un cours en ligne ouvert et massif

Appropriation of audiovisual pedagogical artifacts in a massive open online course
Nicolas Roland - Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
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This article presents a research conducted on the first Massive Open Online Class of the ULB: «English for all – Spice up Your English». In this context, the research aims, in the form of a study case, to describe, understand and explain how the participants of the MOOC have acquired the audiovisual pedagogical ressources at their disposal during the course.

Available online: 2017-02-17


Roland, N. (2016). Appropriation d’artefacts audiovisuels pédagogiques dans un cours en ligne ouvert et massif. International Journal of Technologies in Higher Education, 13(2-3), 81-93.