Le discours asynchrone d’une communauté d’apprentissage en réseau : source reconnue de l’action en classe par des stagiaires en enseignement

Asynchronous discussions among a networked learning community: A reliable source of classroom activities for interning teachers
Stéphane Allaire - Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, Canada
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Networked learning communities, including those devoted to pre-service teacher training, are a good backdrop for reflection-on-action. This descriptive study documents what exactly, of collectively elaborated asynchronous discourse, is integrated into student teachers’ practices when they are back in the classroom. The variables of classroom intervention have served as a framework to this study. Our methodology combines both quantitative and qualitative analyses. Results show that student teachers say that the ideas shared in the networked community considerably influence their teaching practice.

Available online: 2011-10-11

DOI : https://doi.org/10.18162/ritpu.2011.202

Allaire, S. (2011). Le discours asynchrone d’une communauté d’apprentissage en réseau : source reconnue de l’action en classe par des stagiaires en enseignement. International Journal of Technologies in Higher Education, 8(3), 49-65. https://doi.org/10.18162/ritpu.2011.202