La place de l’autonomie de l’apprenant dans la conception des formations ouvertes et à distance en Afrique de l’Ouest
The role of autonomous learning in the design of open and distance learning programs in West Africa
Long seen as an ODL prerequisite (Karsenti, 2006), learner autonomy has been slow in becoming a real- ity on the field (Albero, 2003); such delay is mainly due to research that addresses this concept too of- ten philosophically according to some authors, in- cluding Albero (2003). The issue of how course de- signers apply some of the assets likely to promote learner autonomy, the modular nature of contents, and the flexibility of the formation are not without interest. It is in light of the above that this paper addresses the issue of autonomy. The qualitative study was conducted at 2iE2 in 2009 with 11 course designers, in a West African context, with the aim of finding solutions to the difficulties of its educa- tional system (OECD, 2006). The results empha- size not very concerned courses of the principles of autonomy, certainly because of the influence of the fate-to-face courses and especially of the lack of training of the course designer on the topic of the autonomy of learning. As regard the flexibility of training, its feasibility in an institutional context as 2iE seems rather problematic.
Available online: 2015-08-11
Touré, M. (2014). La place de l’autonomie de l’apprenant dans la conception des formations ouvertes et à distance en Afrique de l’Ouest. International Journal of Technologies in Higher Education, 11(3), 22-37.