De l’inscription à un MOOC à la certification académique Le cas de la collection de MOOC « compétences du numérique et C2i Niveau 1 »
Enrollment in a MOOC for academic certification: The case of the MOOC Collection “digital and C21 literacy, Level 1”
This paper shows how to standardize a distance learning device based on a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) collection. In fact, this device which is between universities, leads to an academic certification. First of all, we present the implementation, the testing and the evaluation of such learning device: the collection of MOOC in digital skills on the national platform FUN (France Université Numérique). Second, we show the implementation of the certification process that allows the registered MOOC to consider the C2i1 certification (Computer and Internet Certificate Level 1), issued by the French academic universities. Finally, this approach has been enclosed experimentally and the given results reveal the ability to create ways that lead to the issuing of a recognized academic certification.
Available online: 2016-10-05
Mocquet, B., Santi, C., Ammari, I., & Marchand, T. (2016). De l’inscription à un MOOC à la certification académique Le cas de la collection de MOOC « compétences du numérique et C2i Niveau 1 ». International Journal of Technologies in Higher Education, 13(1), 47-63.