Essai d’une méthodologie d’analyse des données d’Internet sur un ordinateur

A proposed computer method for online data analysis
Géraldine Foin - Université de Lorraine Laboratoire lorrain de sciences sociales (2L2S), France
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In the study of the digital environment in which people live and evolve, methodological problems may arise for researchers in the humanities and social sciences. This article examines the compatibility of conventional tools in the social sciences for the study of screen-based digital practices, that of the computer. Indeed, the Internet and its screens do not allow the use of traditional interviews, questionnaires and observations to collect accurate data on this environment (practical and consumption of the Internet). We propose a complementary method to conventional tools.

Available online: 2018-01-08


Foin, G. (2017). Essai d’une méthodologie d’analyse des données d’Internet sur un ordinateur. International Journal of Technologies in Higher Education, 14(2), 71-87.