Comment les futurs enseignants sont-ils formés aux compétences informationnelles et comment prévoient-ils les enseigner? Une étude exploratoire menée au Québec (Canada)
Student teachers and information literacy: how are they prepared and how do they plan to teach it. An exploratory study conducted in Quebec (Canada)
Being information literate is an essential skill for K- 12 students in the age of Google. But learning how to search, evaluate and use information available on the Web often relies on their teachers’ information literacy training. This study analyses how Quebec preservice teachers are trained to teach information literacy and how they foresee teaching it in schools. Results show that the initial training received is insufficient and that most preservice teachers will only teach basic information searching skills on the Web with Google. Results are discussed in light of the literature and recommendations are made to improve how preservice teachers are trained to teach information literacy.
Available online: 2018-11-08
Dumouchel, G., & Karsenti, T. (2018). Comment les futurs enseignants sont-ils formés aux compétences informationnelles et comment prévoient-ils les enseigner? Une étude exploratoire menée au Québec (Canada). International Journal of Technologies in Higher Education, 15(2), 32-46.