Formation des formateurs en ligne : obstacles, rôles et compétences

Training online educators: Obstacles, roles, and skills
Louise Sauvé - Télé Université du Québec, Canada
Céline St-Pierre - Télé-université, Canada
Alan Wright - Université du Québec à Rimouski, Canada
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An information and communication technology (ICT) cannot be used for teaching without bringing change to the organization. These changes affect the trainers who have a professional history, a mentality and practices developed over the years and in a specific work context. Technological changes can therefore destabilize a trainer’s professional life. It is consequently essential to manage this change, to the extent that the success of projects in incorporating ICT into a training program are no longer dependent on technological capacity, but rather on the trainers’ capacity to use their potential to change and improve the efficiency of the learning process. Accordingly, it is in the context of implementing an online train-the-trainer program that this article addresses the following questions: “What are the obstacles to change in a context of introducing ICT to a training setting?”, “What are the main roles of an online trainer (or e-trainer)?”, “What are the general skills that trainers need to develop to support learners in an online training context (synchronous and asynchronous)?”

Available online: 2005-03-17


Sauvé, L., St-Pierre, C., & Wright, A. (2004). Formation des formateurs en ligne : obstacles, rôles et compétences. International Journal of Technologies in Higher Education, 1(2), 14-20.