Conception continuée de la plateforme Néopass Stages : le point de vue des formateurs et formatrices et des utilisateurs et utilisatrices

Ongoing Development of Neopass Stages: Trainer and User Viewpoints
Marc Blondeau - UCLouvain, Belgium
Vanessa Hanin - UCLouvain, Belgium
François Lambert - HE EPHEC, Belgium
Catherine Van Nieuwenhoven - UCLouvain, Belgium
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The research reported in this paper is part of the Néopass Stages project, an online platform of videoscopic resources for the initial training of primary school teachers. As the platform’s design team, following a logic of continuous design, our study aims 1) to gather the opinions and remarks (positive and negative) of the first teacher trainers who have used it in their initial teacher training programs, within the pedagogical department of the Haute École (HE) EPHEC and 2) to use these opinions and remarks to improve the current design of the Néopass Stages platform. Following a group interview, we transcribed and analysed the verbatim comments of these first users. This analysis highlights the good qualities and points of concern raised by the teacher trainers regarding the platform’s design and use, as well as the perceived effects on their training practices and on the students. Finally, suggestions for improvement put forward by the teacher trainers are discussed.

Available online: 2024-05-23


Blondeau, M., Hanin, V., Lambert, F., & Van Nieuwenhoven, C. (2024). Conception continuée de la plateforme Néopass Stages : le point de vue des formateurs et formatrices et des utilisateurs et utilisatrices. International Journal of Technologies in Higher Education, 21(1), 55-76.