Mesures d’impact des régulations dans la construction d’un enseignement à distance (EAD) en initiation à l’entomologie
Measures of the impact of regulations on the construction of a distance learning (DL) program in introductory entomology
The course “Introduction to entomology” at Gembloux Agricultural University (Belgium) integrates both distance learning and laboratories. Its progressive development permits a precise description of the experimentation influence and regulation steps on course’s parameters. The course has been evaluated by students and the results were compared with other indicators. The results showed a positive but insufficient progression. This confirms the difficulty to set up a distance learning with rapidity and effectiveness. Furthermore, this underscores the evolution of students’ needs and the importance of the permanent spiral of “experimentation-regulation and post-regulation”.
Available online: 2007-05-16
Mignon, J., & Reggers, T. (2006). Mesures d’impact des régulations dans la construction d’un enseignement à distance (EAD) en initiation à l’entomologie. International Journal of Technologies in Higher Education, 3(2), 8-18.