Intégration des TIC par les enseignants : premiers résultats d’une enquête suisse

ICT integration by teachers: Initial results of a Swiss survey
Stéphanie Heer - Haute École Pédagogique Berne-Jura-Neuchâtel, Switzerland
Abdeljalil Akkari - Haute École Pédagogique Berne-Jura-Neuchâtel, Switzerland
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In the first part, this paper summarizes the existing scientific literature on the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) by teachers. In the second part, results of data analysis from a regional survey of the Swiss educational ICT infrastructure and its use in schools are presented. In the third part, we discuss the opportunity for beginning teachers to transform their pedagogical practices with the increasing availability of ICT in school.

Available online: 2007-05-31


Heer, S., & Akkari, A. (2006). Intégration des TIC par les enseignants : premiers résultats d’une enquête suisse. International Journal of Technologies in Higher Education, 3(3), 38-48.