Soutenir la persévérance des étudiants (sur campus et à distance) dans leur première session d’études universitaires : constats de recherche et recommandations

Helping students persevere (on campus and in distance learning) in their first university term: Research findings and recommendations
Louise Sauvé - Télé Université du Québec, Canada
Godelieve Debeurme - Université de Sherbrooke, Canada
Virginie Martel - Université du Québec à Rimouski, Canada
Alan Wright - Université de Windsor, Canada
Gabriela Hanca - Télé-université, UQAM, Canada
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What are the measures that have been put into place to counter the phenomenon of abandonment in university studies? How are online perseverance support tools used by undergraduate students experiencing their first semester of university studies? A study of 216 students from three Quebec universities shows that students have difficulties in the following areas: prior knowledge and competences, strategies related to learning and self-regulation, reading English and French. The study also shows that the online support measures (S@MI-Persévérance) have helped the students to resolve these difficulties.

Available online: 2008-06-26


Sauvé, L., Debeurme, G., Martel, V., Wright, A., & Hanca, G. (2007). Soutenir la persévérance des étudiants (sur campus et à distance) dans leur première session d’études universitaires : constats de recherche et recommandations. International Journal of Technologies in Higher Education, 4(3), 58-72.