Effet d’une formation à l’utilisation d’aides logicielles sur des scripteurs francophones de premier cycle universitaire

Effect of training in the use of software tools on Francophone writers in undergraduate programs
Marie Bernier - Université Laurentienne, Canada
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There are more and more electronic tools available to assist people in editing their writing. These tools can meet a wide range of writing needs. The following is a comparative study of two groups who have applied these resources during the process which French-speaking university students have used of writing an abstract. I present the results of my observations between two groups of students: the first group accessed electronic resources without prior training, while the second group accessed these same resources with training prior to using the same tools. Results clearly demonstrate that with prior training, students are more likely to access these resources. Prior training for usage of these resources is particularly useful for emerging writers.

Available online: 2011-04-27

DOI : https://doi.org/10.18162/ritpu.2010.188

Bernier, M. (2010). Effet d’une formation à l’utilisation d’aides logicielles sur des scripteurs francophones de premier cycle universitaire. International Journal of Technologies in Higher Education, 7(3), 60-72. https://doi.org/10.18162/ritpu.2010.188