Les TIC dans ma première salle de classe : attitudes et praxis

ICT in my first classroom: Attitudes and practices
Michel T. Léger - Université de Moncton, Canada
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This mixed methods study aims to better understand attitudes of pre-service teachers towards ICT use in education and their decision whether or not to integrate technologies in their first year of professional practice. Firstly, results from our linear regression analysis seem to confirm conclusions from previous studies in regards to ICT integration in pedagogical practice. Most notably, our results indicate that ICT integration in teaching practice can be explained, at least in part, by a combination of attitudes held towards technologies in education and feelings of self-efficacy towards technology use as a pedagogical tool. Finally, a qualitative look at educational ICT integration on the part of a sample of participants during their first years of teaching revealed a number of challenges associated with educational praxis.

Available online: 2015-05-05

DOI : https://doi.org/10.18162/ritpu.2014.250

Léger, M. T. (2014). Les TIC dans ma première salle de classe : attitudes et praxis. International Journal of Technologies in Higher Education, 11(2), 72-82. https://doi.org/10.18162/ritpu.2014.250