La gestion de la crise sanitaire dans les universités françaises : vers une forme de subversion du numérique universitaire
Management of the Health Crisis at French Universities: Toward a Form of Digital Subversion
The COVID-19 health crisis marked the year 2020. The entire university community, university members and public service users alike, was not spared by this health emergency, which hit especially hard in France. This crisis, experienced as a real shock for some, generated several other crises within universities. Take, for example, the learning crisis experienced by students and members, who had to develop new professional practices, or the organizational crisis: how to ensure public service continuity? In this article, we build the case, through several signs found in our observations, that several types of changes, in the form of creative digital subversions, appeared in order to solve new problems: the arrival of new tools and new uses, the adaptation of modes of communication of digital governance, and finally, the development of the regulatory framework.
Available online: 2022-03-01
Mocquet, B. (2022). La gestion de la crise sanitaire dans les universités françaises : vers une forme de subversion du numérique universitaire. International Journal of Technologies in Higher Education, 19(1), 51-67.