Les TIC dans un contexte de formation à distance : une stratégie de redynamisation de formation en présentiel

Using ICT for distance learning: A strategy to revitalize face-to-face learning.
Said BERROUK - Centre de recherche sur l’information scientifique et technique, Algeria
Alain Jaillet - Université de Cergy-Pontoise, France
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The development and growth of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and particularly the Internet, has transformed the way in which information is made available. As a result, libraries must adapt their practices accordingly in order to meet the challenges that can possibly threaten their existence. Human beings are the only guarantee for change and constitute its driving force. They have the responsibility of planning and supporting change however they do not always have the skills and competencies required to do so. Training thus becomes a necessity and the only option available for acquiring these aptitudes. This training must also be accessible to a wide audience of persons. In this context and in a research-training-action approach, the authors of this paper describe how they converted a face-to-face graduate course for librarians (<em>Scientific and Technical Information</em>) into a distance education course based on ICT. The results of this experience lead the authors to underscore the benefits of using technology in a learner-centered teaching approach to develop specific skills and competencies.

Available online: 2006-10-03

DOI : https://doi.org/10.18162/ritpu.2005.77

BERROUK, S., & Jaillet, A. (2005). Les TIC dans un contexte de formation à distance : une stratégie de redynamisation de formation en présentiel. International Journal of Technologies in Higher Education, 2(2), 7-21. https://doi.org/10.18162/ritpu.2005.77