Le test de concordance comme outil d’évaluation en ligne du raisonnement des professionnels en situation d’incertitude
The concordance test as an online assessment tool for professional reasoning in uncertain situations
A significant part of professional competence stems from the ability to deal with uncertainty. The correlation test is a standardized assessment tool for reasoning in a context of uncertainty that may be put to a variety of uses. This article describes the test format, scoring method and means that have been developed to administer the test online. Based on a series of published studies, acquired experience suggests the usefulness of the correlation test in any profession involving reasoning in context of uncertainty.
Available online: 2006-10-03
DOI : https://doi.org/10.18162/ritpu.2005.79
Charlin, B., Gagnon, R., Kazi-Tani, D., & Thivierge, R. (2005). Le test de concordance comme outil d’évaluation en ligne du raisonnement des professionnels en situation d’incertitude. International Journal of Technologies in Higher Education, 2(2), 22-27. https://doi.org/10.18162/ritpu.2005.79