Stratégies d’élaboration, de partage et de réutilisation de scénarios pédagogiques

Strategies for creating, sharing, and reusing leaning scenarios
Jean-Philippe Pernin - Institut national de recherche pédagogique, Lyon, France
Valérie Emin - Institut national de recherche pédagogique - Équipe EducTice - Lyon et Laboratoire Informatique de Grenoble, France
Michèle Prieur - Institut national de recherche pédagogique - Équipe ACCES - Lyon, France
Eric Sanchez - Institut national de recherche pédagogique - Équipe EducTice et LEPS - Université de Lyon, France
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This paper focuses on designing and reusing of learning scenarios. Our contribution is based on the analysis of scenarisation activities led by two expert teachers involved in an educational research program in didactics of sciences. These practitioners have elaborated various versions of scenarios implementing an investigating approach and specifying the organisation of activities to be done by students and teachers. From the performed analysis, we try to isolate a model integrating the didactical, pedagogical and situational dimensions in the design of learning scenarios; we also propose some reflexions about sharing and reusing of these scenarios.

Available online: 2008-06-17


Pernin, J.-P., Emin, V., Prieur, M., & Sanchez, E. (2007). Stratégies d’élaboration, de partage et de réutilisation de scénarios pédagogiques. International Journal of Technologies in Higher Education, 4(2), 25-37.