Portfolio numérique en contexte de pandémie. Perception des futurs enseignants à l’égard du portfolio numérique en formation initiale : propositions pour l’évaluation formative des compétences professionnelles en contexte de pandémie et d’enseignement à distance
E-portfolio and the Pandemic. Perception of Prospective Teachers Towards the use of E-porfolio in Initial Teacher Education: Recommendations for Formative Evaluation of Professional Competencies in a Context of a Pandemic and Distance Learning
COVID-19 has forced professors towards emergency remote teaching. As universities are confirming upcoming semesters to be online, professors need to reflect on the challenges of online teaching and to adjust their practices. In this paper, results from a questionnaire on the perception of the e-portfolio completed by 719 student teachers will be presented. From the advantages perceived, the challenges faced and the needs expressed by student teachers, recommendations will be made to guide the use of the e-portfolio as a cross-curricular tool for the formative evaluation of professional competencies, in a context of a pandemic and distance learning.
Available online: 2021-01-06
DOI : https://doi.org/10.18162/ritpu-2020-v17n3-19
Raby, C., Tremblay-Wragg, É., Viola, S., & Meunier, H. (2020). Portfolio numérique en contexte de pandémie. Perception des futurs enseignants à l’égard du portfolio numérique en formation initiale : propositions pour l’évaluation formative des compétences professionnelles en contexte de pandémie et d’enseignement à distance. International Journal of Technologies in Higher Education, 17(3), 209-222. https://doi.org/10.18162/ritpu-2020-v17n3-19