COVID-19 et continuité pédagogique en licence 3, quelles leçons pour demain?

Ensuring the Continuity of all Aspects of Education for Undergraduate Students During the Pandemic: Lessons for the Future?
Christine Faller - Université de Nice Côte d’Azur, France
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The introduction of containment from March 17 to May 11, 2020, was sudden and imposed an unprecedented adaptation on teachers and their students. The CR of experience, in this article, is that of a pedagogical continuity set up with French students of bachelor 3rd year in one of the modules of preparation to the professions of teaching. The focus is on the necessary adaptations in terms of communicational issues, course materials and learning situations but also on the pitfalls and difficulties encountered and the contributions in terms of creativity that this may have generated. Finally, rather unexpectedly, we propose a reflection on the awareness of the importance of accompaniment in this context of health crisis.

Available online: 2020-11-23


Faller, C. (2020). COVID-19 et continuité pédagogique en licence 3, quelles leçons pour demain?. International Journal of Technologies in Higher Education, 17(2), 51-60.

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