Impact des dimensions de l’absorption cognitive sur l’appropriation des TICE : cas des étudiants et étudiantes des universités publiques au Maroc
Impact of Cognitive Absorption Dimensions on the Assimilation of ICTE: The Case of Public University Students in Morocco
Nowadays, the use of technology has become a major concern for most organizations. However, the rapid technological development, and the integration of ICT into higher education institutions (ICTE) in particular, has gradually attracted the attention of educational players with the adoption of innovative and flexible practices. However, the massive use of ICTE in itself constitutes a change that is certainly abrupt, but also a defining one for learning, as well as teaching within each university in Morocco and around the world. The use of ICTE has become mainstream in university learning. These technologies empower students by making the learning process more interactive. This work draws on flow theory to study the impact of cognitive absorption dimensions on students’ assimilation of ICTE in Moroccan public institutions. Using a hypothetico-deductive reasoning model, we conducted a confirmatory quantitative study, among students at Morocco’s public universities. We used the structural equation method (SEM) to test our research model, using SmartPLS statistical software. Our results confirm that cognitive absorption has a significant and positive impact on the assimilation of ICTE by students in Morocco. Cognitive absorption among students in the region was defined along three dimensions: temporal dissociation, sense of control and curiosity. We suggest that an examination of these three dimensions in the Moroccan higher education environment is likely to provide insight into the factors that determine cognitive engagement and the motivations that drive students to persevere in the learning process using ICTE.
Available online: 2024-11-19
Mdarbi, S., Boufarouj, C., Simour, L., Belkebir, Z., Ennadi, M., & Stili, K. (2024). Impact des dimensions de l’absorption cognitive sur l’appropriation des TICE : cas des étudiants et étudiantes des universités publiques au Maroc. International Journal of Technologies in Higher Education, 21(2), article 3.